Mike's Musings

I'll be posting my musings from time to time on various subjects some just because I feel like it, others because I'm mad, still others because I want to make the world a better place. Now that the "d" is done, it's time to move on to other things. I'm reminding myself that life is just too short to focus on just one thing.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Why must people...

...decide that killing themselves and others in an orchestrated fashion is the way to make a statement for whatever cause they feel they need to promote? Do they really think that the negative publicity is still publicity and will rally more people to their cause? As we have seen in London and Iraq these past few days, that is not the case, yet they continue to try. If any of you understands the reason behind this insanity, please explain it to me.
Note:The original opinions shown on this blog are mine unless quoted from someone else via "" marks and () showing source. Remember, these are only opinions and if you really want to convince me otherwise, post your own response. "Go ahead, make my day!"
A wise man once told me "Listen to the opinions of the extremes and you'll discover that the truth is somewhere in the middle."


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