Mike's Musings

I'll be posting my musings from time to time on various subjects some just because I feel like it, others because I'm mad, still others because I want to make the world a better place. Now that the "d" is done, it's time to move on to other things. I'm reminding myself that life is just too short to focus on just one thing.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Insane??? Maybe I am....

Well, a friend of mine once told me that insanity is the act of doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Well, I guess then by that definition, I am officially insane when it comes to women. I keep trying the same things to meet women and none of them work at all. I guess I need a change of tactics or I need someone else to make that decision for me. I am only looking for someone who appreciates me for the person I am and someone I can appreciate for the person she is. I'm not looking for someone to change or mold and I hope that she won't try to change me. Well, I may be naieve but you know what, I'd rather find that special person once and for all. Besides, I think I got a mulligan the first time around.

Note:The original opinions shown on this blog are mine unless quoted from someone else via "" marks and () showing source. Remember, these are only opinions and if you really want to convince me otherwise, post your own response. "Go ahead, make my day!" Also, due to the amount of "ad postings" that I have deleted lately, I've had to add a verification word before you can post, sorry.
A wise man once told me "Listen to the opinions of the extremes and you'll discover that the truth is somewhere in the middle."


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