Mike's Musings

I'll be posting my musings from time to time on various subjects some just because I feel like it, others because I'm mad, still others because I want to make the world a better place. Now that the "d" is done, it's time to move on to other things. I'm reminding myself that life is just too short to focus on just one thing.

Thursday, September 29, 2005


Well, my boss came down from up north today and man was I nervous. He took a tour of my workplace and visited with several managers and other major folks in the area. It was a good thing they all had nice things to say about me (man I was worried there). He left and I went to pick up my parents at the airport. They had a nice flight and arrived safely. Thank God for that.
Tomorrow is my last day at work before I head out on a much-needed vacation! I may or may not blog much during that time, but you never know....
Note: Remember, these are only opinions and if you really want to convince me otherwise, post your own response. "Go ahead, make my day!" Also, due to the amount of "ad postings" that I have deleted lately, I've had to add a verification word before you can post, sorry.
A wise man once told me "Listen to the opinions of the extremes and you'll discover that the truth is somewhere in the middle."


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