Mike's Musings

I'll be posting my musings from time to time on various subjects some just because I feel like it, others because I'm mad, still others because I want to make the world a better place. Now that the "d" is done, it's time to move on to other things. I'm reminding myself that life is just too short to focus on just one thing.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

With This Pen...I Thee Un-Wed

Well, after months of reading legal-eeze and talking with lawyers and hashing out agreements, I've signed my way back into the single world. Even though it won't be final for at least 60 days, I know it's officially done and over with for me. That part of my life is gone and more than likely will never return. But as the saying goes "if you love them, let them go, if they come back they're yours forever, if they don't they never were yours to begin with." A part of me is glad its done, but there will always be a part of me that wishes things were different. But I can't force someone to change their mind if thy really don't want to, now can I...

Note: Remember, these are only opinions and if you really want to convince me otherwise, post your own response. "Go ahead, make my day!" Also, due to the amount of "ad postings" that I have deleted lately, I've had to add a verification word before you can post, sorry.
A wise man once told me "Listen to the opinions of the extremes and you'll discover that the truth is somewhere in the middle."

Friday, January 20, 2006

Should I Have to do ALL the chasing/pursuing?

Is it just me, or all men? I swear, it probably is just me. When it comes to women, it feels like I'm the one doing all the work, getting to know them, asking them out, etc., etc., etc. I've gotten more active in my community, I've started discovering hobbies again (bowling, no-gambling poker tournaments, karaoke, cooking classes, etc.,), gone back to school for a graduate degree, and even started re-organizing my house (now I realize why I'm to !#$% tired), just to re-discover myself and figure out who I'd like to date. Well, this past weekend, I met someone I found interesting, but I couldn't figure out if she was interested in me or not. I'll admit that I'm not a good "pick-up line" guy, and probably never will be since I wasn't given that talent. Nor will I ever be good at reading women's signals, I'd just prefer you tell me outright to "hang-around" or "get lost" as I am not one to play games, and I don't want them played on me, either. Anyway, I thought a getting to know each other was supposed to be a two-way street. Apparently not for me! It feels like I'm on a one-way headed in the wrong direction. Oh well.

Note: Remember, these are only opinions and if you really want to convince me otherwise, post your own response. "Go ahead, make my day!" Also, due to the amount of "ad postings" that I have deleted lately, I've had to add a verification word before you can post, sorry.
A wise man once told me "Listen to the opinions of the extremes and you'll discover that the truth is somewhere in the middle."

Friday, January 13, 2006

Dilemas, Dilemas...

Well, I find myself having to choose whether or not to make myself happy or my family happy.
I've been planning an Alaskan cruise since last year, but now my older brother and his wife are pregnant for the 2nd time and are coming to the US (from their missionary home in Kenya) to have the birth of said child. Of course, now my family is telling me to cancel my vacation, come visit them and basically cater to my brother's every whim while they're here. I'm highly inclined to say no (since I've put down a pretty good sized deposit), but on the other hand it may be nice to see them. I'm just tired of having to be the one to "keep the peace". Life would be so much easier if I didn't have to deal with family, but unfortunately it comes with the territory, doesn't it...
Note: Remember, these are only opinions and if you really want to convince me otherwise, post your own response. "Go ahead, make my day!" Also, due to the amount of "ad postings" that I have deleted lately, I've had to add a verification word before you can post, sorry.
A wise man once told me "Listen to the opinions of the extremes and you'll discover that the truth is somewhere in the middle."