Mike's Musings

I'll be posting my musings from time to time on various subjects some just because I feel like it, others because I'm mad, still others because I want to make the world a better place. Now that the "d" is done, it's time to move on to other things. I'm reminding myself that life is just too short to focus on just one thing.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving...

Well, I hope that you all had a happy Thanksgiving day. I can't say that I had a great day, but at least I did what I wanted to and not what anyone expected me to do. I sat in my pj's almost the whole day. I did go out for dinner and had a nice time with some friends. I'm thankful that I am alive, healthy and although it hasn't been a great year, at least it hasn't been totally bad, either.
Note: Remember, these are only opinions and if you really want to convince me otherwise, post your own response. "Go ahead, make my day!" Also, due to the amount of "ad postings" that I have deleted lately, I've had to add a verification word before you can post, sorry.
A wise man once told me "Listen to the opinions of the extremes and you'll discover that the truth is somewhere in the middle."

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Divorce Papers...Get Your Divorce Papers Here!

Well, I got them today. The dreaded paperwork that says "your marriage was an utter and total failure." Now, I am not one to recommend a divorce to anyone unless the spouse is physically/mentally/emotionally abusive or cheating, so for my marriage to end in this manner means I've failed as a husband and as a Christian. Since this wasn't my idea to begin with, I'm dealing with it the best way I can and letting Christ take control of everything. I still believe in "till death do us part," and can't figure out what makes people take the "easy way out." Maybe I'll pray over this for a few days before I sign them (as well as let an attorney see them, of course).

Note: Remember, these are only opinions and if you really want to convince me otherwise, post your own response. "Go ahead, make my day!" Also, due to the amount of "ad postings" that I have deleted lately, I've had to add a verification word before you can post, sorry.
A wise man once told me "Listen to the opinions of the extremes and you'll discover that the truth is somewhere in the middle."

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Is there something wrong with me???

Recently I was "cut off" from a person I was friends with (or at least thought I was friends with). Just all of a sudden--"BAM!" I get slammed into the door and the door is promptly shut with me out in the cold winter's air with no idea as to why it even happened. Is it possible to be friends one day and enemies the next? Or maybe I unknowingly did something wrong (I'll never know unless this person decides to contact me). Oh well, I guess I move on to making other friends, huh...

Note: Remember, these are only opinions and if you really want to convince me otherwise, post your own response. "Go ahead, make my day!" Also, due to the amount of "ad postings" that I have deleted lately, I've had to add a verification word before you can post, sorry.
A wise man once told me "Listen to the opinions of the extremes and you'll discover that the truth is somewhere in the middle."

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Is it possible to fall "in love" with someone you've never met?

I'm curious to know. A friend of mine says it's possible, but I'm not so inclined. After all, how do you know if the person on the other side of the letter, e-mail, webcam, chat room, etc., is telling the truth about themselves, or if they're even remotely close to whomever you perceive them to be. That's one reason why I'm not a believer in internet dating. The other would be is that I've tried it and got burned badly, very badly.
Note: Remember, these are only opinions and if you really want to convince me otherwise, post your own response. "Go ahead, make my day!" Also, due to the amount of "ad postings" that I have deleted lately, I've had to add a verification word before you can post, sorry.
A wise man once told me "Listen to the opinions of the extremes and you'll discover that the truth is somewhere in the middle."

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Why is what you want always so hard to get?

And then when you get it, sometimes it's worth it, while other times you find that it wasn't. I went out last night and actually met someone interesting. Problem is, she was being harrassed by someone who wasn't taking no for an answer. She couldn't escape the guy, either (as he took her car keys). Oh well. Maybe next time.

Note: Remember, these are only opinions and if you really want to convince me otherwise, post your own response. "Go ahead, make my day!" Also, due to the amount of "ad postings" that I have deleted lately, I've had to add a verification word before you can post, sorry.
A wise man once told me "Listen to the opinions of the extremes and you'll discover that the truth is somewhere in the middle."

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Do women have to cut so deep???

What is it with women who say one thing one day, and then the next decide that what they said the day before isn't what they want today? It doesn't hurt so bad if it's early in a relationship, but after being in one for a long time, that decision really hurts. Either way, it hurts. Just the length of time makes it different by the degree of the hurt.

People have been telling me to get back on that horse, but what if I don't want to? Ever. Maybe I'll be content to be involved in "casual, meaningless, one-night stands". Most likely not, but you never know.

A friend and I were talking and she was talking about her current relationship and she thinks that he's not in it because he loves her. Well, she decided that ALL men suck and that she should cut them all out, and thereby I am to be cut off along with all the other men. It sucks that such a good person should just cut a whole gender out because of one rotten apple, but what can I do to convince her otherwise?

Note: Remember, these are only opinions and if you really want to convince me otherwise, post your own response. "Go ahead, make my day!" Also, due to the amount of "ad postings" that I have deleted lately, I've had to add a verification word before you can post, sorry.
A wise man once told me "Listen to the opinions of the extremes and you'll discover that the truth is somewhere in the middle."

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

6 months ago today...

...was the day the stbew told me that she no longer wanted to be married to me and totally broke my heart and sent my life into the tailspin its been ever since. She told me that there was no chance that she would change her mind, that I should move on with my life, and good luck with it. Since then, I've done a whole lot of praying, reading, thinking, talking, observing, playing, studying, etc. The only thing I can honestly say that I've gotten out of this is screwed! It doesn't matter how much (or how little for that matter) I end up with in the divorce settlement, I'm still screwed! When I asked her to marry me, I told her I only planned on doing this once and forever. Now it's 6 years later and I haven't got a clue as to which direction to move. I'm just going to have to take my own advice and just stop and listen to my heart and to what God is telling me. I know I'll be happy again someday...
Note: Remember, these are only opinions and if you really want to convince me otherwise, post your own response. "Go ahead, make my day!" Also, due to the amount of "ad postings" that I have deleted lately, I've had to add a verification word before you can post, sorry.
A wise man once told me "Listen to the opinions of the extremes and you'll discover that the truth is somewhere in the middle."